Show HN: A Demo for a Strategy Game

92 points by joegibbs 16 hours ago

This is something that I've been working on on-and-off in my spare time for the last few years. I started in 2020 during Covid trying to do a Mount and Blade style map in UE4, and it grew from there until where it is now - I would just add a feature, then another, until it came together. Since the start of the year I've really been trying to polish it some more.

I've got the full thing planned for a Q3 25 release.

Github release if you don't have Steam:

latexr 13 hours ago

You should clarify if it’s Real-Time Strategy or Turn-Based Tactics. Different audiences.

  • joegibbs 6 hours ago

    Thank you! I just re-read the copy and realised that I'd taken the real-time part for granted and focused on the turn-based element of the battles.

    It's real-time, but it's pauseable and the player can change the speed of the game from 1x to 4x. Then when a battle occurs, it has a turn-based system where the two armies attack each other in succession (each turn is 4 days in-game).

  • karmakaze 4 hours ago

    I came to write that a preview video could have shown this instead of only pics. Always happy to see another (semi) RTS game though.

    I heard that StarCraft Remastered & II is coming to Xbox Game Pass. Wonder if that will stick (or a new generation will hate the brutality of 1v1 ladder).

  • georgeecollins 11 hours ago

    For sure-- they want different things. But this looks great.

    • latexr 10 hours ago

      It does look great. But while that warrants an upvote it doesn’t warrant the effort of having to turn on my old machine with Windows on it and going through the effort of installing the demo just to then find out it’s not the kind of strategy I like.

      Steam has tags for both kind and that’s how I search. I want the OP to have more people of their intended player base finding and enjoying the game.

throwaway48476 7 hours ago

Map looks more like total war than mount and blade. It would be great if someone made a total war like game since Creative Assembly imploded trying to make hyenas happen.

  • joegibbs 2 hours ago

    I would really like to make a Total War style game after this if it's a success. It's probably something you'd need a few other people on the team to do though - it's at least twice the work. It's also a lot more difficult to write code to handle simulations of 20-40k units and still have the game run at a decent speed.

    So far Fall of an Empire has been surprisingly easy to write: everything maps to classic OOP. You have a Unit object and an Army object that extends the Unreal Engine Actor class, the Army has an array of Units, it's got a mesh with animations that it plays based on what it's doing, etc.

    But when you're doing large-scale battles like Total War it's totally different. You're trying to do as much as possible on the GPU. You can't have a regular Actor with a regular Skeleton, instead all the soldiers are going to technically be instanced static meshes, with animations that are stored as textures that offset vertices - and that's just the start. It would be very cool to pull it off though.

JMiao 9 hours ago

Cool demo, good job releasing it. What are you hoping to get from demo players?

  • joegibbs 6 hours ago

    Feedback mostly - what's wrong with it, what's right, what needs doing differently or should be rebalanced before the main game is out.

null_deref 6 hours ago

Very impressive. Did you create the visuals yourself?

  • joegibbs 6 hours ago

    Thanks, I did the landscape materials and some of the UI myself, but the other half of the UI, the models for the trees, the cities (which I'm in the process of revamping) and the armies were all outsourced.

FrustratedMonky 13 hours ago

You are one person?

This is pretty impressive for one person as a hobby in spare time during Covid.


Congratulations on making it this far.

On Steam, I'd suggest adding a video of some sample play.

  • joegibbs 2 hours ago

    Thank you! Yes, unless you're counting the artists who I've hired to do freelance stuff.

    I think that it would definitely benefit from a gameplay trailer, so that's something that I'll try to get up in the next few weeks.

scotty79 3 hours ago

Unrelated. Does anyone know if there are any strategies coming up that draw from current Russia-Ukriane conflict? Not necessarily the setting but the mechanics of a real world modern armed conflict.

laconicmatt 11 hours ago

This looks very cool. Kind of giving me total war / warhammer vibes. Wishlisted and I'll give the demo a go.

Good luck with the project.

jadbox 7 hours ago

Congrats on making it open source!

z3t4 12 hours ago

was kinda hoping for a open source game when I saw the Github link, but it's just a zip download with an .exe

If you are thinking of open sourcing, it can still be a good idea because users will pay for the convenience of not having to compile/build themselves.

  • joegibbs 4 hours ago

    It’s got a bunch of components and paid libraries that probably wouldn’t let me do that.

    I also think that very few people would get any benefit from being open-sourced since it depends on modified Unreal Engine - the project itself and the engine mean that the git repo is over 100GB even when shallow cloned. I could open source the core game systems but they’re almost entirely useless without the rest of everything.

    Edit: just thinking of it, I wouldn't be able to distribute the modified UE source either - it's source-available but you need to agree to Epic's licence to get access. Might be possible to only distribute a diff and instructions on which version of the engine to apply it to? In any case it would be a lot of work.

  • aniviacat 11 hours ago

    > users will pay for the convenience of not having to compile/build themselves

    But another developer could republish the game for half the price, no?

    • LelouBil 6 hours ago

      > But another developer could republish the game for half the price, no?

      Depends on your license, you can be open source but have a license prohibiting assets usage or even whole code usage. It can be a good way to support mods.

      See Barotrauma [0][1] as an example of an open source game that suceeded.

      Exerpt from their license :

      > The source code, modifications or derivative works can be distributed only if they are intended to be used as a mod for Barotrauma. You are not allowed to create a standalone application, or use the code for commercial purposes or in your own projects. You are not allowed to remove or bypass Steam integration, SteamID authentication or any other DRM measures from the code.



    • mholt 10 hours ago

      Yeah, that doesn't make sense. Players will pay for your game.

  • motoxpro 8 hours ago

    Most people, I assume like yourself, would just download and build the game for free and not contribute anything back to the project

mrkramer 5 hours ago

Upload the source on Github, don't link it again to Steam.

  • joegibbs 4 hours ago

    Why should I do that apart from some commenter demanding that I do so? If I put in thousands of hours of work and a few thousand dollars into a project, why should I get zero compensation for that and not even be allowed to indirectly benefit?

  • xupybd 3 hours ago

    This comes across as very rude. I'm not sure if you intended that so I thought you should know.

    When someone spends years of their life working on something they get to decide how they release it to the world. They even get to not release it if they want.